A name can hold power. In Misery Bay, that power took on an edge.
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Happy Pride Month from Jack and Damon
In honor of Pride Month, here’s a short excerpt from Jack’s Ever After: Another Modern Queer Fairy Tale coming 11 July 2023 from Jetspace Studio.
Jack and Damon Are Back in Jack’s Ever After
When my publisher asked me to write a sequel for Jack’s on Fire, I immediately said yes.
Broken Valley and My Return To Neska
There’s something extraordinary about returning to a work you previously created, especially when writing a sequel.
My First Romance: Jack’s on Fire
My first queer YA romance novel Jack’s on Fire will be available for Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and paperback on September 27, 2022. But you can pre-order it now!
Relationships and the Value of Others
One of the core themes in my writing has been the value of friendship.
I Did Some Interviews (Updated)
I’m told that part of any good book promotional plan is for the author to do a few interviews.
It’s My Book Birthday!
After months of writing, editing, marketing, good reviews, bad reviews, and (maybe) a few tears, my debut Young Adult Sci-Fi novel Founder’s Mercy has finally hit the shelves.
Founder’s Mercy Print Proof
I just got my first look at a Founder’s Mercy print proof and I’m head over heels in love
Founder’s Mercy Art
I thought I’d give you a look at some of the book art, including a portrait of Adan and Bo and a map of the book’s setting.
Founder’s Mercy Pre-Order
It’s official. My debut Young Adult Sci-fi novel Founder’s Mercy is now available for pre-order for Amazon Kindle.
Flipping The Script
I hit 90,000 words on my current writing project last night. That means I’ve maintained an average of 3,750 words per day for the last four weeks on top of everything else I’ve had to do. It feels like a personal best.