Owen’s Blog

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Book Review: The Sons of El Rey
Alex Espinoza’s The Sons of El Rey is a knockout celebration of queer identity, Lucha Libre style!

Book Review: Forget Me Not
A Haunting Silence Among the Stars

Book Review: Mirrored Heavens
The enchanting finale to a spellbinding fantasy series.

More Posts
Founder’s Mercy Character Profile: Bo
An author’s character profile for Bo Shen from Founder’s Mercy
Founder’s Mercy Character Profile: Adan
An author’s character profile for Adan Testa from Founder’s Mercy
I Did Some Interviews (Updated)
I’m told that part of any good book promotional plan is for the author to do a few interviews.
It’s My Book Birthday!
After months of writing, editing, marketing, good reviews, bad reviews, and (maybe) a few tears, my debut Young Adult Sci-Fi novel Founder’s Mercy has finally hit the shelves.
Founder’s Mercy Print Proof
I just got my first look at a Founder’s Mercy print proof and I’m head over heels in love
Founder’s Mercy Art
I thought I’d give you a look at some of the book art, including a portrait of Adan and Bo and a map of the book’s setting.
Founder’s Mercy Pre-Order
It’s official. My debut Young Adult Sci-fi novel Founder’s Mercy is now available for pre-order for Amazon Kindle.
Flipping The Script
I hit 90,000 words on my current writing project last night. That means I’ve maintained an average of 3,750 words per day for the last four weeks on top of everything else I’ve had to do. It feels like a personal best.
What’s In A Name?
I hit 70,000 words on my work in progress last night. It felt amazing.
Creating a New World
My favorite part of the writing process is world-building.
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